Sunday, March 27, 2011

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Digital Advertising

"How can your message deliver the exact message and stand out from the crowd? The solution - put your advertising message in motion. With this, you'll stop shoppers in their tracks with an exciting and attention-grabbing digital advertisement..."

Read article here

Sunday, March 20, 2011

How to Write Great Sales Copy - Part 1 & 2

By Sue Papadoulis

Part 1 -
When you're taking the leap into selling a product, you'll need a sales letter - whether that's a web page, an email, or a direct mail brochure or letter. Follow the tips below to write great copy that persuades and communicates in order to get results.

1. Concentrate on the person reading the letter, rather than thinking about yourself. The fastest way to turn people off is to harp on about what a great person you are, what fantastic attributes you have, anything really that's about you. Your readers are interested in "what's in it for me". Think about what's in it for them, and what they'll get out of using your product. Include the word "you" often, as this speaks directly to them and their problems.

2. Focus on the benefits not just the features. Your readers will want to know exactly what the product will do for them, and how it will benefit them. They're not interested in the features of the product unless they can translate that into a benefit. For example, if you buy a treadmill you're not buying it because it has an electronic calorie counter, you're buying it because it will help you lose weight and gain fitness. So, what does a financial advisor sell - superannuation? No, peace of mind and a secure financial future.

3. Create a winning headline. Your customers will probably scan your sales copy in just a few seconds and decided then and there whether or not there's something in it for them. You must appeal to your reader's interests and concerns - remembering to focus on the reader. For example:

Bad: "New shopping web site offers 250 products for sale!"
Better: "Save money and time by doing your shopping online from home!"

4. Use sub headings that capture attention. Sub headings allow a reader to quickly understand your main points during their skim read of what you're offering. Again, focus on the main benefit. For example:

Bad: "Our clients think our service is great"
Better: "Meet five customers who regularly save $50 a week shopping with us!"

5. Keep it conversational. Write to your customers as you would a friend. Use conversational phrases such as "I'll show you how we can do this together." or "So, how do you take the next step?" Keep the message as simple as possible - imagine you are writing to someone who's aged around 12 (the media does this to ensure a clear message).

Part 2 -
So, you've developed a winning product, now you just need to convince your customers to buy it. Last week we looked at the first five steps to creating great sales copy - here are the next five tips to help you generate a positive reaction from your customers.

1. Keep it brief. No one has time to read pages and pages of copy. At best, you'll have 10-30 seconds to capture their attention before they'll close the web page or email, or throw your direct mail piece in the bin. Make sure you include the biggest and best benefit of your product first. The length of your sentences should be no more than 20 words - use sub headings and dot points to sell your key messages so it's easy to skim read.

2. Forget the jargon. There may be buzz-words that are commonly used in your industry, which mean absolutely nothing to your audience. For example, for a long time the word 'teleseminar' meant nothing to many people - in fact, it probably still doesn't mean much to those who are new to world of online information products. "Live interview via the phone or web" makes it easier to understand. Think of a 12 year old - would they get it?

3. Use testimonials to foster trust. Your customers might believe what you say about your product, but they will feel even more at ease if they hear from a third party who's tried and tested it, and given it the thumbs up. Make sure you include results-oriented testimonials in your sales copy. For example: "Jenny Smith - saved $125 in just one week shopping online with us". Make sure you include full names, titles, and companies (and get their permission!).

4. Ask for the sale! It's no use selling the benefits, if you don't then convert this interest into a sale. Make sure you give clear instructions on what you want the reader to do - what are the next steps? Must they order now, call for a free consultation, or sign up for a free report? It's important you lead your customers along a pre-determined path, rather than simply hope they'll get what you're talking about and take the necessary action.

5. Proof read your copy. There's nothing that's going to diminish that sense of trust and professionalism faster than sales copy that's full of spelling and grammar errors. If you look like an amateur your customers won't trust that you can deliver on your promises. Hire a professional editor or proof reader to look over what you're created.

© 2009 Home Biz Chicks

WANT TO USE THIS REPORT IN YOUR E-NEWSLETTER OR WEB SITE? You can, as long as you include this complete blurb with it: Online entrepreneur Sue Papadoulis publishes the popular e-newsletter Smart Biz Chicks. If you're ready to jump-start your home business to make more money and have more fun and free time, get your FREE tips and FREE report "How to Generate Free Publicity for Your Home-Based Business" now at

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Display Advertising Tips for Search Marketers

by Magnus Nilsson

Display advertising has been getting quite a bit of attention in the search industry lately. With the introduction of Google re-targeting functionality on the content network, there is yet another compelling reason for search marketers to take a closer look at the world of display to enhance their search efforts.

Read his post here